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As the Camino De Sonoma continues to grow, we are very interested in your reflections, rememberances, testimony, and insights. If you have a story that you'd like to share just with the internal team, or with the community, please do write it here.
Have you walked the entirety of the Camino de Sonoma?
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Camino de Sonoma Team

As we celebrate our 15 MILLIONTH STEP, and the fact that ONE HUNDRED PILGRIMS HAVE WALKED THE ENTIRE CAMINO since the Camino's inception in 2019, we realize that we have built a community of love and prayer that has exceeded our expectations. 

Also, as the waiting lists for pilgrims to step onto our guided path grows, we step into our first fundraiser to support the growth of the Camino de Sonoma while maintaining its integrity, safety, and depth of experience.

We envision the Camino de Sonoma becoming an enduring route for people from all over the world to come experience the power of walking with intention along a spiritually significant, culturally compelling and breathtakingly beautiful path.

We have recommendations here if you'd like to dedicate funds to a specific area of the Camino's needs


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