Whether you are joining a Camino de Sonoma guided walk, solo or with a group, we support you in being as prepared as possible to have the most impactful experience.
The Camino de Sonoma and Caminatas are paths that cross urban, rural, and wild places. Being prepared with appropriate supplies is tantamount to staying safe so that the journey unfolds optimally and with reduced unnecessary challenges.
Hiking backpack
Route maps, including streets and park trails All Trails (may include charged phone and extra battery backup)
Weather-appropriate clothing, layers, sun protection, and rain jacket or poncho
Safety vests for visibility
Hiking boots or shoes and extra pair of socks
First aid kit
Utility knife or multi-tool
Plenty of water and electrolyte (General rule of thumb is 1 liter of water for every 2 hours of walking)
Food and snacks
Guided walks are meticulously planned, and you will be invited to connect with the group prior to the walk to arrange carpools to and from so that we can easily shuttle each other to and from the walk. All walks require registration, and you can access that by signing up. See all upcoming walks here.
If you are walking the Camino de Sonoma solo, in a duo, or small group without a Camino de Sonoma guide, we encourage you to become familiar with the path via All Trails.
If you are looking to book a private guided small group walk, please contact us here.
You can access each stage on All Trails via these links:
Stage One | Sonoma to Kenwood
Stage Two | Kenwood to Santa Rosa
Stage Three | Santa Rosa to Sebastopol
Stage Four | Sebastopol to Occidental
Stage Five | Occidental to Jenner
Stage Six | Jenner to Fort Ross
Download step-by-step directions for each stage here.
Wayfinding these routes has been a true labor of intentional service, and the Camino is guided by volunteers. Please consider contributing to the 75x75 capital campaign to grow this movement and its reach.

We have cultivated as many tools as we could to share this route with you.
Here are some maps to further support your healing path.