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Equipo de Sonoma

  • How can I get a map of the Camino de Sonoma route?
    Maps for each stage of the Camino de Sonoma are available on the AllTrails app Camino de Sonoma | List | AllTrails. You can also request a map through the Camino de Sonoma website. A map will be sent to your email in pdf format.
  • Is a GPS a good idea?
    Some pilgrims have carried a GPS. If you have one you'd like to carry, it's not a bad idea. The Camino de Sonoma route is on public roads and well-established park trails that are not considered to be in remote locations. Camino de Sonoma group walk guides do not carry GPS.
  • Is there a Camino de Sonoma guidebook?
    There isn't a Camino de Sonoma guidebook yet. The existing route for the Camino de Sonoma was first realized as a present-day pilgrimage in 2019. Although the route is well understood and has been walked by many times, much of the support structure that would be included in a guidebook is yet to be coordinated within the overall framework of the Camino de Sonoma. Route maps are available at Camino de Sonoma | List | AllTrails .
  • How easy are the trails to follow?
    Maps of the Camino and route descriptions have been created in AllTrails, Camino de Sonoma | List | AllTrails. The route can be followed using the AllTrails app using a cell phone or other mobile devices. There are currently no Camino de Sonoma wayfinding markers along the route.
  • For the guided group walks, what are the daily distances and elevation gain?
    Stage 1, Sonoma to Kenwood - 12.3 miles/646 ft elevation gain Stage 2, Kenwood to Santa Rosa - 14.4 miles/1365 ft elevation gain Stage 3, Santa Rosa to Sebastopol - 12.8 miles/131 ft elevation gain Stage 4, Sebastopol to Occidental - 13.5 miles/1325 ft elevation gain Stage 5, Occidental to Jenner - 14.6 miles/978 ft elevation gain Stage 6, Jenner to Fort Ross - 12.3 miles/1460 ft elevation gain
  • Is there a suggested itinerary for the three-day and six-day guided walks?
    The following two options have worked well for walkers and can be readily personalized to meet unique needs. Of course, there are many creative options for how to walk the Camino depending on personal needs and preference. 1) Many walkers choose to stay in Santa Rosa for the first three nights, then move to Occidental for the remaining evenings, and carpool/shuttle to and from the pilgrimage route with other walkers. The benefit to this option is only having to relocate once. 2) Other walkers have chosen to stay at a different location each night in towns along the way. Carpool/shuttling may still be required with this option to retrieve vehicles and/or transportation to and from lodging.
  • Can I bring children?
    The six stages of the Camino de Sonoma average 12.5 miles. This is considered by many as long distance walking and would not be good for smaller children. As a general rule children can walk ½ to 1 mile per year of age. With that in mind, we ask that walkers be at least 13 years old for the guided group walks.
  • What if air quality is bad?
    For guided group walks, we will consider not walking a stage if the Air Quality Index is 100 or higher. We will look to walk another stage with better air quality and hope the air quality index of the stage with poor air quality improves enough to be walked the following day.
  • What size of groups can walk the Camino de Sonoma?
    Camino de Sonoma guided group walks are limited to 25 participants.
  • What about medical help and health care?
    Emergency medical services are available along the Camino de Sonoma route. In the event of a medical emergency, the most important thing is to call 911 with the location and type of emergency. To aid the emergency medical team it is advised to have the following information listed in your phone or on hard copy. Insurance information Name and contact number for your primary care physician and specialty providers List of medications List of allergies List of medical conditions and past surgeries Personal health care preferences Emergency contact numbers Power of attorney and/or medical power of attorney contact information
  • When is the best time of year to walk?
    Thanks to the temperate weather in Sonoma County, walking the Camino de Sonoma can be done any time of year.
  • Can I walk the Camino de Sonoma alone?
    As a walking/hiking safety practice, it is encouraged that long distance walks not be attempted alone. That said, we do encourage pilgrims to enjoy (with friends) a self-guided experience of the Camino de Sonoma. Here's the link to the AllTrails app maps, Camino de Sonoma | List | AllTrails. Route maps in pdf format can be requested through the Camino de Sonoma website.
  • Can I add in rest days and activity days?
    The 3-day and 6-day guided Caminos are completed on consecutive days. Rest days and activity days would need to occur before or after the guided group walks. Alternatively, rest days and activity days could be included in a self-guided walk at any desired interval.
  • What type of weather can I expect?
    Spring Thanks to seasonal rains, much of Sonoma County is layered in vivid shades of green. Passing by vineyards, you'll notice buds breaking, signaling the start of the growing season as well as wildflowers like mustard blanketing the hills with a stunning display of color. While daytime temperatures vary depending on how close to the coast you are, daily highs range in the 60s and 70s with partly cloudy days that give way to sunshine. Occasional rain can still be in the forecast, and nighttime temperatures can still be quite cold, low 40s to 50s. Summer Clear skies, sunshine and dry warm temperatures. The occasional marine layer of fog closer to the Pacific usually burns off by mid-morning. Day time temperatures range from 60s along the coast to 70s and high 80s further inland, while evenings usually stay in the mid to high 50s. Fall Fall brings the grape harvest, changing colors of the vineyards and temperate climatic conditions. Expect temperatures in the 60s throughout the coastal regions during the day, and 70s to 80s in the inland areas. Though still warm during the days, evening temperatures can drop into the low 50s. Winter Due to the temperate climate, there isn't snow or severe weather conditions in Sonoma County. Winter does, however, bring welcome seasonal rain. You can expect daytime temperatures in the mid-to-high 50s with evenings ranging in the mid 30s to low 40s.
  • What if the weather is bad?
    As previously mentioned, Sonoma County typically experiences temperate seasonal weather. However, it is advisable to check the weather forecast prior to beginning your Camino. For guided group walks, if the weather forecast is predicting 100F heat or hotter, we will consider moving the walk to Stages 5 or 6 which are closer to the coast and cooler. Then hope the stage with the hot weather cools down enough to be walked the following day.
  • How accessible is the Camino de Sonoma?
    The Camino de Sonoma pilgrimage route is entirely on existing sidewalks, roads, highways and parkland trails that are fully accessible to the public. Disabled persons???
  • Is there cell phone service available along the pilgrimage route?
    Typically, there is cell phone service along the route from Sonoma to Sebastopol. Cell phone service is limited (very limited in some locations) from Sebastopol to Fort Ross.
  • What sort of facilities for cafes and bathrooms are available?
    For the guided group walk experience, there are six stages to the Camino de Sonoma, each offering different cafe and bathroom facilities. Stage 1, Sonoma to Kenwood - Cafes, coffee shops and toilets (public and private business) are available for the first 7.7 miles. The last 4.6 miles there are no public or private business facilities until Kenwood. Stage 2, Kenwood to Santa Rosa - There are beverages, snacks, lunch items and bathrooms at Kenwood Market and Deli and at Kenwood Gas (porta potty). At 3 miles we enter Trione-Annadel State Park where the bathroom options are wilderness and pit toilets for 8 miles until we reach Spring Lake Park where there are flush toilets. Restaurants and bathrooms are available at the end in Santa Rosa. Stage 3, Santa Rosa to Sebastopol - Cafes, coffee shops and toilets (porta potty, private business) available the first 3 miles. Next public bathrooms are available in 3 miles at Place to Play Park where we stop for lunch. There are no public or private business facilities for the last 6.6 miles until we reach Sebastopol. Stage 4, Sebastopol to Occidental - Cafes, coffee shops and toilets (public, porta potty, private business) available the first 4.4 miles. After Graton, there are no more public or private business facilities until we reach Occidental, 9.1 miles. Stage 5, Occidental to Jenner - There are two small markets with deli, restaurants and coffee shop with bathrooms and porta potties in Occidental. The next bathroom option (wilderness) is 3.6 miles at the Willow Creek Rd trailhead. Wilderness bathrooms only the rest of the way until Jenner. Stage 6, Jenner to Fort Ross - Gas station convenience store, public toilets and porta potty available in Jenner. Pit toilets are available in Jenner Headlands Preserve, 3 miles. Pit toilets available at Russian Gulch State Beach, 1.2 miles and Sonoma Coast Overlook, 1.8 miles. There are no other public or private business facilities until Fort Ross Historic State Park, 6.3 miles.
  • Do I need to register for the Camino de Sonoma guided group walks?
    Yes. You can register on the Camino de Sonoma website: and on Facebook: Walking Camino de Sonoma | Facebook
  • Are there any trip coordination or luggage transfer services available?
    No. There are no trip coordination or luggage transfer services available. Trip coordination and luggage transfer are typically coordinated with fellow walkers.
  • What dangers should I know about?
    All walkers are personally accountable for their own safety while walking the Camino de Sonoma. For guided group walks, walkers are required to complete and sign the Camino de Sonoma Liability Waiver. The Camino de Sonoma walking route is a mix of roadside shoulder, sidewalk, paved and dirt/gravel park trails. When walking on roadways, walkers should always be paying close attention to vehicle traffic, walkway conditions and maintaining a safe distance from fellow walkers. When walking park trails, walkers should be alert to trail conditions, poison oak, ticks and rattlesnakes. To avoid over exposure to the sun, walkers should consider sunscreen, hats, layered clothing that can be adjusted along the way to regulate comfort level, and always carry plenty of water.
  • Are dogs allowed on the Camino de Sonoma guided group walks?
    Sorry, although many of us are dog lovers, dogs cannot be allowed in guided group walks. If you are planning to bring your dog on a self-guided experience, please know that dogs are not allowed in Trione-Annadel State Park and are only allowed in parking areas and roadways in Fort Ross State Historic Park.
  • What is the cost for walkers to participate in the guided group walks?
    There is no cost to walkers to participate in the guided group walks. However donations to the Camino de Sonoma are greatly appreciated and go to cover the costs of stewarding this amazing pilgrimage path. Donations can be made through the Camino de Sonoma website, Support the Camino (
  • What items should I bring?
    Depending on your comfort level off and on trails, we recommend for the warmest weather: Daypack or backpack Weather-appropriate clothing (think moisture-wicking and layers) Hiking boots or shoes Good quality socks Hat Bandana Small towel Sunglasses Food (lunch) and snacks Plenty of water (2 liters or more) Electrolytes Pain medication Knife or multi-tool Toilet paper Hand sanitizer Insect repellent Sunscreen Small Trash bag. We respect "leaving no trace" Small Journal Binoculars Mobile phone Camera Walking poles. If you typically use them, bring them, especially for Stages 2, 5 and 6. If you are walking on your own (not on one of our guided walks), we also recommend: Map of the route First-aid kit Blister kit: (alcohol wipes, tweezers, a small pair of scissors, antibiotic ointment, blister pads or moleskin, pre-cut adhesive tape, waterproof band aids). Read this article:
  • Is religious and/or spiritual content provided with the guided group walks?
    Yes. Prayer guides are offered, by invitation, for each stage of the Camino de Sonoma that provide daily blessings, prayer and inspiration in support of the internal pilgrimage journey.
  • What is the best way to contact you?
    Facebook: Walking Camino de Sonoma | Facebook . Website:
  • How can I connect with people who have previously done the Camino de Sonoma?
    You can connect with others who have completed the Camino de Sonoma on our Facebook page Walking Camino de Sonoma | Facebook
  • Are there itineraries for cycling?
    Accommodations and facilities for cyclists are the same as for walkers. Itineraries would be determined based on individual capability and desired duration of the pilgrima
  • Can I bicycle the pilgrimage route?
    Yes. The bicycle route is very similar to the walking route. The only recommended variations are on Stage 1, Sonoma to Kenwood. From Hwy 12 in Agua Caliente, use Agua Caliente Rd to Arnold Dr to Sonoma Valley Regional Park and from Glen Ellen use Warm Springs Rd to Kenwood Plaza Park. These variations enable riders to avoid riding on Hwy 12.
  • Must I procure my own lodging?
    Yes. Lodging accommodations along the route can be procured using the many search tools available. A link to the Sonoma County Tourism Official Site is being provided as an introduction point. Sonoma County Tourism Official Site | Note: Sonoma County is a popular tourist destination and some hotels do fill up. If you are coming from out of the area, and need lodging, planning ahead is recommended. Lodging accommodations resources by town: Sonoma - Lodging • Sonoma Plaza Visitor's Guide Glen Ellen - Glen Ellen Hotels and Lodging | Note: Jack London Lodge has worked well for walkers and is centrally located. Kenwood - Kenwood Hotels and Lodging | Note: Hotel lodging in Kenwood is very limited. There are several AirBnB and Vrbo options available. Santa Rosa - Santa Rosa Hotels and Lodging | Note: Flamingo Resort and Art House have worked well for walkers. Sebastopol - Sebastopol Hotels and Lodging | Note: Fairfield Inn and Suites has worked well for walkers. Occidental - Occidental Hotels and Lodging | Note: Occidental Lodge has worked well for walkers. Jenner - Jenner Hotels and Lodging | Note: Jenner Inn has worked well for walkers. Fort Ross - Fort Ross Hotels and Lodging | The Driftwood Lodge Home - The Driftwood Lodge and Fort Ross Lodge Fort Ross | Lodging | California ( are located in the community of Fort Ross one mile north of the Fort Ross State Historic Park.
  • Are there camping options available?
    There are only two campgrounds directly on the pilgrimage route; Stage 2, Spring Lake Regional Park Campground Spring Lake Regional Park ( in Santa Rosa, and Stage 5, Pomo Canyon Environmental Camp Sonoma Coast State Park ( (scroll to the bottom/seasonally only) near Jenner. There are two other campgrounds near the route: Sugarloaf Ridge State Park Home | Sugarloaf Ridge State Park ( near Kenwood and Casini Ranch Family Campground Casini Ranch Family Campground Duncan Mills, near Jenner. Both would require vehicle shuttling to and from the pilgrimage route.
  • Where can I park my vehicle?
    There is free parking at the start and end points for all six stages of the Camino de Sonoma except when parking at Fort Ross State Historic Park ($10, $9 seniors). There is free parking available outside the park grounds.
  • How do I get to and from the pilgrimage route?
    Walkers provide their own transportation from their place of lodging to the pilgrimage route. The Camino de Sonoma does not provide shuttle services. Walkers can make carpool/shuttle arrangements with other walkers. See below.
  • Are there commercial ride-share services available?
    Uber, Lyft and local taxi services are available along the Camino de Sonoma route from Sonoma to Sebastopol (not including inside Trione-Annadel State Park). Services are very limited from Sebastopol to Jenner. There are no commercial ride sharing services from Jenner to Fort Ross.
  • Is there public transportation available?
    Yes, although limited. Sonoma County Transit schedules from Sonoma to Santa Rosa (Rt 30) and Santa Rosa to Sebastopol (Rt 20) are provided below. Transit services from Sebastopol to Occidental, Occidental to Jenner and Jenner to Fort Ross are limited with ride times being over an hour. Santa Rosa, Sonoma Valley | Sonoma County Transit ( Route 30 Russian River Area, Forestville, Sebastopol, Santa Rosa | Sonoma County Transit ( Route 20
  • When walking with a guided group on a 3-day or 6-day Camino, how do I get back to the start point at the end of the day?
    Walkers residing locally typically coordinate daily carpool/shuttle with other walkers, leaving a return vehicle at the end point in the morning, then shuttle back to the start point to begin the walk. At the end of that day's walk, the return vehicle that was dropped off in the morning is used to shuttle walkers back to the start point. When done reflecting on the day with fellow walkers, they return home for the evening. This same carpool/shuttle routine is used for all six days. Walkers from outside the area typically use the same carpool/shuttle routine, except at the end of the day they would be returning to a nearby hotel, Airbnb, etc. for the evening. Notes: If you register using Facebook the carpool/shuttle coordination is done on Facebook. If you register using the Camino de Sonoma website, an email will be sent prior to the walk copying all participants. This will give anyone needing carpool/shuttle support the opportunity to reach out to the other walkers expressing their transportation needs.
  • Are passports, stamps and stickers available for the Camino de Sonoma? If so, how are they made available?
    Yes, the Camino de Sonoma has passports, stamps and stickers. Group walk participants who have walked one or more stages and are planning to walk all six stages will be given a passport and a separate unique sticker for each stage they complete.
  • What type of shell is the Camino de Sonoma logo derived from, and are these shells available to pilgrims similar to the passport and stamps?
    The Camino de Sonoma logo is derived from the Red Abalone which is found on the Central and Northern California Coast. The Red Abalone has been placed on the International Union For Conservation of Nature (IUCN) endangered species list because of radically declining population due to over harvesting, increased ocean temperatures and disease. The harvesting of Red Abalone in Northern California was banned in 2017. Red Abalone served as a food source, jewelry, adornment for ceremonial regalia and a centerpiece of the pre-colonial tribal trade systems for the Kashia Pomo that inhabited much of the Sonoma Coast. Group walk participants who have walked one or more stages of the Camino de Sonoma and are planning to walk all six stages are presented with an Abalone shell with a yellow cord. They receive a purple cord during the completion ceremony once they've completed all six stages. Many pilgrims use the yellow and purple cords to attach their Abalone shell to their backpack.
  • Does the Camino de Sonoma have a Completion Certificate? If so, how do I get one?
    There is a Completion Certificate inside the Camino de Sonoma passport. It is a two-page document that is stamped and dated once a pilgrim completes their Camino. The certificate can be easily removed from the passport and kept as a separate document.
  • Is there Camino de Sonoma merchandise available?
    Yes. Camino de Sonoma branded shirts, hats, stickers and other items are made available to group walk participants with suggested donation. Merchandise is typically made available at the end of the daily stage walks.

The route is measured in miles.

The journey is measured in steps.

Join the Camino de Sonoma community and receive periodic updates, reflections, and schedules.

The Camino de Sonoma is a 501c3 organization.

For all inquiries, please email us at:


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